Puppy In My Pocket and Other Fandom Wiki
Cuccioli cerca amici nel regno di pocketville aavv 003 jpg wkdv

Welcome to Pocketville where beautiful kitty Princess Ava matches lucky children with new pets. One day her jealous twin sister Eva sends her to the 'real world' while a school girl Kate is sent to Pocketville in her place. Kate and her new dog Magic must continue Ava's work until she can find her way home. The Pocketville Kingdom has many locations, from the Pocketville school to the Pocketville palace. Time is different from the 'real world' and Pocketvile.


Bold will text TV series

  • Land of Eternal Snow
  • Pony Pasture
  • Bear Inn
  • Pocketville School
  • Pocketville Palace
  • Pet Resort